Embracing Life

FullSizeRender (5)Our youngest child has Down syndrome, Autism and ADHD.  His life has been riddled with challenges.  It hasn’t always been easy. It’s not a path I would have chosen.

Yet, I truly feel God prepared me for Josiah’s birth years before he was ever even conceived.  I was a Special Education major my freshman year in college. Though I remember very little from those years, I distinctly recall a class in which I learned about children with Down syndrome being born to older women.  I changed my major shortly after to Early Childhood/Elementary Education.  The only take away from my 1st semester was learning about Down syndrome.  Interesting.

At age 41, with 4 typically developing children, the youngest still a baby, I had a strong desire for a 5th child.  I remember telling my husband we NEEDED to have another baby. We had a 10 year old, an 8 year old, a 3 year old and a 10 month old, so why was I so adamant about adding another child?  The desire was intense.

Josiah was conceived soon after.

While pregnant with Josiah, not yet aware he had Down syndrome, I observed a mother of a young child with severe challenges.  I looked at her child and felt pity.  I looked at her and my heart broke.  I couldn’t imagine what this poor woman’s life must be like.  As I watched her with her daughter I saw nothing but pure love. What amazed me most about this mother was her joy.

I remember in that moment having 2 very distinct thoughts; ‘I could never parent a child with disabilities’, then immediately afterwards, ‘my child is going to have a disability’.

These were fleeting thoughts really. Just a blip on the radar screen.  I voiced them to no one. It was more of a feeling, a ‘knowing’ of sorts I kept hidden down deep somewhere, not sure what to do with it all, quite honestly.

Not long after, an ultrasound, then an amniocentesis revealed the truth.

I firmly believe God has a plan and purpose for each one of us.  We are here by design, to accomplish His will and to bring glory and honor to His name. Josiah was not an accident.  He is a blessing.  His life has meaning.  He teaches us to be more selfless.  He teaches us to love more deeply. He teaches us to pray more fervently.

Through Josiah we have met some amazing, compassionate, loving individuals we may not otherwise have encountered. The struggles we’ve endured embracing this precious child have made us stronger, deepened our faith and allowed us to find humor in the midst of our struggles.

It is my hope to bring inspiration and encouragement to those walking a similar path.  With the right perspective and a little humor, I hope they too will embrace the blessing.

14 thoughts on “Embracing Life

  1. Candice Blaylock says:

    Love reading your post sandy!! You are such an amazing person and mother and seeing your journey inspires me.

    • embracetheblessing says:

      Thank you Candice. Humbled and blessed to be on this path! Greatly appreciate your kind words and thanks for reading! : o )

  2. Amy Warren says:

    Sandy, I relate so much to your story! Thanks for being “real” and also very loving with your writing. God is good & has a plan beyond our consciousness & I am so glad you are acknowledging that. God bless you, Josiah & the rest of your beautiful family.

    • embracetheblessing says:

      Thank you Amy! Coming from another mom who shares this path, it means so much! And you are so right, God is good and there is definitely a plan here, for all of us! Wouldn’t it be great if we could just get a sneak peek into that plan? Then again, maybe we wouldn’t want to know. I guess it’s just best to forge ahead with blinders on, trusting the ONE who has the plan to guide us each step of the way! So very grateful we are not traveling this road alone! God bless YOU and your wonderful family!!

  3. Elizabeth Norman says:

    Sandy, your beautiful blog inspires so many by showing how to embrace the triumphs and tribulations in every day life of God’s great individual plan for us and the weaving of our lives to His glory. Having known you and sweet family for 25 years, I can say you are the real deal — you all walk the talk, true lovers of the Lord and helpers to the helpless. Look forward to your new blog sight! Hugs to all!

    • embracetheblessing says:

      Thank you Liz. You are too kind! This blog is a result of your encouragement. Without you, I doubt it would have happened. Thank you for the inspiration, for your friendship and for your continued support! It means so much. God bless you!

  4. Pam says:


    Love this new blog! Your story, your joyous attitude and your willingness to put it all out there for others to see (the good, the challenges and the blessings truly is an inspiration.

    Many parents of children with challenging abilities may take comfort in knowing they are not alone and that “attitude” plays a large role in getting through each day. Your stories and experiences can serve as an example and provide tips for helping them on their journey.

    So proud of you!

    • embracetheblessing says:

      Thanks so much Pam! Don’t know what I would do without your amazing example of looking on the bright side! You have the best attitude of anyone I know!! So blessed to have you as my big sister! : o )

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