Backwards Jammies

Little sleeper keepersBy far one of our most favorite products for Josiah are his backwards jammies.  ‘Little Keeper Sleepers’ are inescapable zippered back pajamas that put a stop to sleeper and diaper removal.

If you have a child who requires little sleep and likes to assist with removing unwanted contents from his pull-up in the middle of the night when everyone is asleep, you may want some of these too. They are super cute, super soft and oh so comfy.  Josiah really seems to like them. Rick and I love them. They are amazing and have been a life changer for us. 

We first learned about Little Keeper Sleepers a few years ago, way back when Josiah was only 9 and should have been toilet trained.  He wasn’t. He still isn’t. We had quite a few interesting events occur in the wee hours of the morning after foolishly putting 2 piece pajamas on our sweet boy at bedtime.  One poopcident too many sent me straight to the internet to find a solution for Josiah’s night time finger painting fun.  Surely, someone, somewhere had faced a similar situation and had already created the solution.

Sure enough, someone had.  I ordered a pair for Josiah on the spot.  A short while later, we ordered some more. Currently he owns 3 pairs which we rotate through out the week.  I’ve been pleasantly surprised to learn they keep adding new, larger sizes.  Right now they run up to a size 14, which is exactly the size Josiah wears. Hopefully, as he continues to grow, they will continue to add more.  I can’t imagine life without Little Sleeper Keepers.

At one point, we were in need of a larger pair but hadn’t ordered them yet. In desperation, I ran to Target and bought boys footed pajamas, cut the feet off of them and turned them backwards for Josiah to wear.  It just wasn’t the same. The neckline scooped low in the front but higher in the back.  Turning them around made the new neckline rise up high on his neck and looked a little like they were choking him.  After a couple washings, they shrunk and didn’t fit him. Not the best solution.

Little Keeper Sleepers keep Josiah out of his pull up at night which makes for much less mess in the morning. Though he can escape from his seat belt with ease when I’m driving down the freeway, so far Josiah has not figured out how to unsnap and unzip his backwards jammies. Hopefully that day will never come.

In light of his recent delight with disrobing, it may be time to either send the boy to school in his jammies or invest in a whole new wardrobe for Josiah.  Just found these on line:

anti strip jumpsuit

Anti-Strip One Piece Jumpsuit










Our boy may look a little like a prison inmate, but better an inmate than a streaker!


Do you have a child on the spectrum who likes to throw ‘brown parties’ at night?  Does your child undress inappropriately while in public? How have you addressed this issue?  I’d love to hear from you.  Please comment below and share your struggles and/or successes.  I’ll answer any questions and respond to your comments as soon as possible.  Thank you!

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