Day 42

day 42

Day 42

Josiah’s pediatrician called last week to say since Josiah’s immune system is compromised, it would be best to wait for Josiah’s appetite to improve along with 2-3 good days of more normal energy. At that point, we could consider sending him back to school for half day sessions until the end of the year.

He assured us they are seeing fewer cases of viral and bacterial infections in his office.  Josiah most likely would be fine returning to school in the morning.  Then in the afternoon, he could be home to rest if he still needed some down time. So, last Friday, Josiah returned to school.  Although not too enthusiastic about the whole idea, he went anyway.

He seemed quite happy when we explained the plan.  He would ride the bus to school and stay from 9 am til just after lunch,  His amazing caregiver would pick him up at 12:30 and bring him home.  He willingly went through the motions of his morning routine.  Sitting to put on his sandals, he even smiled.  I thought for sure he was excited about it. And then the bus pulled up.

As you can see by his immediate reaction, Josiah was not as thrilled as we had hoped.  He sprawled out on the floor in peaceful protest, resting his head on his hands. I pulled out some beads, a string toy and a pack of fruit snacks.  I’m not above bribing my child to get compliance. However, Josiah was above being bribed.

Eventually, Rick resorted to scooping him up from behind, planning to assist Josiah with walking towards the door.  Our too smart for his own good boy quickly picked up his feet and ended up being carried out the door. Another minor struggle ensued.  Rick pulled Josiah into his arms and hurried to the bus.  If you look closely you can see the death grip Josiah has around Rick’s neck. Initially, he wrapped his legs around Ricks waist and locked his feet together behind Rick’s back, clearly intent on not letting go.  By the time they made it down the sidewalk, Josiah’s feet started to slip a little.  Rick had to carry him up onto the bus and set him down in his seat.

So much for Josiah loving this new half day school plan.  I’m sure it had much more to do with him being out of his routine than anything else.  This boy has been sleeping in til much later in the morning lately and happy not to have many demands placed on him. I don’t blame him for not wanting to change that up.

That was last Friday.  We figured it made the most sense to start back to school on a Friday and then have the weekend to recoup before the full week began again.  Monday was a struggle.  Tuesday was a struggle. Today, Wednesday, is the first day Josiah did not protest getting on the bus.  In fact, Rick said Josiah walked down the sidewalk and right up on the bus with ease.  Just like he used to do a couple of months ago.

Josiah’s teacher has been emailing every day to keep us up to date on his progress. Apparently, from the very first day, he’s had no issues getting off the bus at school.  She said he’s all smiles and very happily walks right down the steps and into the classroom.

Today Rick and I had a meeting at Josiah’s school.  We reported how much better Josiah seems to be doing adjusting to all these changes once again.  We mentioned how easily he got on the bus this morning. His teacher smiled sheepishly.  “Today, she said, Josiah would not get off the bus.”

Baby steps. This is a work in progress.

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