Nectar of the Gods

img_9022Are you sleep deprived?  A snooze button abuser? Tired of being exhausted?  It comes with the territory.  Sleep deprivation is quite common for those raising a child with special needs.  It can go on for years with no real end in sight.

At one point, I was a full time Kindergarten teacher, raising 5 kids, zonked out on the couch an hour or so before dinner, every afternoon.  I had no energy. I was physically drained. All I could think about was getting through the day to get to my nap, then getting through the evening to get to bed. This, my friends was back in the day when Josiah was actually a decent sleeper, though I find it hard to believe it was ever really true of him.  It feels like he’s been nocturnal his entire life.

I was sleeping well at night, or at least I think I was. I loved my job. I loved being the mom of 5 very active children. Life was great, except for the daily exhaustion.

One day a friend at work offered me a Spark and transformed my life forever. One sip and I was hooked. My energy level increased, my mood improved.  I was able to make it through the day without napping anymore. I felt like a kid again.

I’ve been drinking Spark ever since.  My amazing husband leaves a glass of it on my night stand those incredibly difficult mornings when I’ve had less than a few hours of sleep. If  I’ve been partying with Josiah through the wee hours of the morning, Spark makes all the difference in the world.  Barely coherent, I manage a sip or two and miraculously become a new person.

I pop out of bed, smiling and energized, literally ready to take on the world.  My mind fills with all the amazing tasks I’m quite confident I can now conquer. Zipping through the morning with renewed vigor, I feel years younger.

I can’t imagine walking this path without Spark, the true nectar of the gods.  It allows me to be more patient, more attentive, more focused.  It gets me out of bed in the morning and gives me energy to get through the tough times.

I wanted you to know there is hope for the sleep deprived. It may make a huge improvement in your life just as it did mine.  If you’d like to try some, ORDER SPARK TODAY

I’d love to know what you think.  If you are an avid Spark drinker what’s your favorite flavor? What do you love most about it?  If you’re trying it for the first time, what’s your impression?

From one formerly exhausted mom who has found relief in the form of a tasty powdered drink mix, here’s to having enough gusto to keep up with our little blessings of boundless energy.


2 thoughts on “Nectar of the Gods

  1. Lisa says:

    I LOVE Spark!!! Mango Strawberry is my favorite, and I have been drinking it every morning since 2010! It can turn the whole day around for sure 🙂

    • embracetheblessing says:

      Amazing stuff, isn’t it Lisa? So very grateful for my Spark and for great friends like you who have extra on hand should I ever run out!! : o )

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