Prayer Works

Prayer quote 2Without a shadow of a doubt I am convinced prayer works.  I’ve known it for a long time.  I’ve heard and read many times about people who have prayed very specifically for something they needed, then watched as God answered that prayer.  Sometimes it seems prayers go unanswered. Other times an answer comes but in a completely different way than expected.

I don’t pretend to have great wisdom about prayer.  In my head I’m a prayer warrior.  I lift everything up to God, never worrying, always trusting. He is sovereign and will guide with infinite wisdom according to His plan and purpose. But in my head I also live in Bora Bora so what does that tell you? The world in my head and my reality are two completely different places.

Please understand.  I do trust completely that God is sovereign and will guide and direct us. I know prayer works and I know God answers prayer.  It’s  just that I’m not so great at praying. When I was younger I would start to pray, get distracted and completely lose track of my thoughts.  My mind wandered often.  As I got older, I kept a prayer journal, writing down prayer requests and checking them off as they were answered. It helped to keep me more focused and to remember to pray for people after I told them I would. Now, I use a prayer app on my phone.

I recently saw the movie, ‘War Room’ which I highly recommend if you haven’t seen it.  At the end of the movie the audience clapped.  When was the last time you heard applause at a movie theater?  It’s that good. The focus is on the importance of prayer. It was powerful because prayer is powerful. I walked out of that movie, determined to be the prayer warrior I imagine I am in my pretend world.

Still not quite there yet and honestly I don’t know that I ever will be.  It’s a process.  I pray to be better at praying with each passing day.  I do know this however.  The peace I feel in leaving everything in God’s hands, in not trying to figure it all out on my own, is incredible.  In the midst of turmoil, chaos and strife, when everything seems to be falling apart, there can be joy.

In our family we’ve had many opportunities to worry, to stress over situations completely out of our control, situations in which there were seemingly no answers. Many time it would have been easy to completely lose hope.  But for the grace of God, we would have. Truly, it is God who keeps us smiling when it seems we should be crushed.  It’s the hope we have in Jesus that makes the trials we endure worth while.

I don’t know the plan.  I don’t know the purpose.  I don’t have the answers.  I wish I could look down the road a little bit to see what lies ahead.  And I do think about the road blocks and barriers popping up all around, wondering how in the world we are ever going to get around them. And then I remember, I don’t have to know.  Because I know the ONE who does know.  I stop wondering and I start letting it all go.  I say, “Lord, I have no idea how this is going to work out, but I leave it all in your hands.  Thank you for loving us and for taking such great care of us and for being in complete control so I don’t have to.”  It’s that simple.

A few weeks ago when we were at the end of the line, knowing Josiah was going to be coming home in a few hours,still unsure of how we were going to manage him, we gave it all to God. So many of you lifted us up in prayer and we are grateful.  God answered those prayers and placed Josiah right where He wanted him.

A few days ago when my son was pushing me, punching himself and slamming a door in my face, I gave it to God.  So many of you prayed and I am so grateful.  When I visited Josiah last night, he allowed me to sit on his bed with him.  He pulled me in close and he hugged me. Over and over again,  he hugged me.  He smiled and even giggled once. He made my heart soar. Thank you for praying.  If that is not an answer to prayer I don’t know what is.

We are not out of the woods yet.  There is a long road ahead.  We all have obstacles to overcome.  One of my favorite authors, Andy Andrews says it best, “If you think about it, the reality is that we’re all either in a crisis, coming out of a crisis, or headed for a crisis.”  If there is any truth to that statement, and it seems to me there is, I definitely don’t want to face it all alone.

You don’t have to either.  Please know (in my head at least) I pray for all of you who read this blog. I thank God for you and ask him to bless you. If I can pray specifically for a request you may have, please let me know.  I WILL enter it into my prayer app and pray.

And if you want a good deal on a hammock, just let me know.  I rent them out in Bora Bora and will save one just for you.

4 thoughts on “Prayer Works

  1. Robin Gutierrez says:

    Sandy Weslager Deppisch I always try to help you with my words of wisdom . LOL. I remember when Maddie was in the NICU which had became our second home for 2 months. It was touch and go for awhile . One night she had a complication and the doctors were not sure if she was going to make it . They asked if would like our daughter to he baptised. Being in the NICU you watch an observe and we were all to familiar as to what this meet. That was the doctors polite way of saying your baby is going to die. At the time we had no religious preference so they sent the religious figure that was on staff that night at the hospital. In walked in this Nun that was about 80 years old. She says a pray over Maddie . She rubs oil on her forehead and says another prayer . When she was done she walked over to me and said ,”are you mom” ? She took my hands and placed them into hers . She said my sweet dear blessings are always in disguise you just have to wait for Him to do his work. Til this day I have never forgot that moment . I have always looked at Madison as MY BLESSING IN DESGUISE ♡♡♡♡

    • embracetheblessing says:

      Thank you Robin! I greatly appreciate all of your words of wisdom! WOW ~ I love this story! Thank you for sharing it. Our kids are blessings!! <3

  2. Elizabeth Norman says:

    Beautiful, Sandy! Thank you for sharing your thoughts and for your recently answered prayers of Josiah hugs. i continue to pray for you guys! Have for many many years and will continue! Your crisis comment was very thought provoking, I’ve lived by this concept but never have put in words. Prayer is so vital!

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