Tent-ative Fun

tentI am so grateful we purchased a Ready, Set, Bloom tent for Josiah’s bed.  It has made a big difference for him.  It has made a huge difference for us. We are able to put Josiah to bed at night, zip him in and relax, knowing he is safe and secure.  He calms down, most nights and settles in to sleep.

We were even able to take Josiah’s tent with us on our travels this summer.  It went with us to Pennsylvania and Ohio and Florida.  So, though Josiah’s routine was very different while on vacation, he still had his very familiar bed. The only difference being we couldn’t strap his tent down to anything.  Turns out, that is a BIG difference.

Did I mention Josiah’s tent was designed by a family with a child who has Autism?  Apparently, they thought of everything. Long straps are attached to the edges of the tent to fit down under the bed frame, snap together and keep the tent stable on the bed. Now I know why they included that feature.

On vacation, we inflated an air mattress and slipped it inside the tent, then laid it on the carpet. It worked great in Pennsylvania.  Not so much in Ohio. We all know how this boy loves to bounce.   Bouncing on an inflatable air mattress while zipped inside brought Josiah great joy.

One night, a short while after tucking Josiah in his tent, I went to check on him.  Thank goodness I did.  This is what I found. Josiah was INSIDE the tent at this point, initially a little startled and confused, but not the least bit upset.

Infact, he seemed to be having a great time. I stood there and watched as he rolled around inside for a bit.


You’ve gotta love this kid.  He can turn just about anything into an adventure.

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