Hallelujah ~ Praise the Lord!


Today is day 7 without that bulky face-masked obstruction hiding his handsome face.  And, all it took was a trip to Florida.

If you know anything about Josiah you know it has been 3 years (how could it possibly be THREE years) that he has been wearing a padded helmet nearly every minute of every day.

He bathed in it, he slept in it, he ate in it.  He lived in that thing.  In fact, he needed several helmets so two could air out while one was on his head.

Over the past year or so there has been some success in removing the helmet for short periods of time. Depending upon who he was with and what he was doing, Josiah was even able to go 4-6 hours more recently without it.

Honestly, those longer stretches without it were usually with one of his amazing caregivers whom we affectionally refer to as the Josiah Whisperer.  That guy can get Josiah to do things none of the rest of us can.

About a month ago we began insisting the helmet be removed for meals and snacks.  It was slow going at first.  At times Josiah opted to keep his helmet on and forgo his food.

He and his helmet have become one over these past many months.

So imagine our shock and delight last week, when Josiah took off his helmet, handed it to the Josiah Whisperer and signed “finished”.

Finished for that moment?  Finished for the day?  Finished for good?

We weren’t quite sure what Josiah meant when he signed “finished”, but from that moment on, the helmet was gone.

Since we had 2 of Josiah’s amazing caregivers with us in Florida, it seemed like the perfect opportunity to run with it.  There were enough distractions that Josiah didn’t seem to miss his helmet much at all.

He even did exceptionally well on the 10+ hour drive home without it.  He bounced joyfully in the backseat to his favorite songs.

Now that we are home and Josiah is on his own turf, he’s been testing us a bit.  We’ve seen a spike in attempts at self-injurious behavior and we’ve endured several scratches.

But we are sticking to our guns and working through it.  Those 3 helmets are put away out of sight.  And at this point there is no turning back.

Josiah without his helmet is an answer to fervent prayer.  I’m still so amazed and incredibly grateful when I see his helmetless head across the room.  I marvel at God’s goodness.

Josiah and his Whisperer friend have even embarked on a new business venture.  But that’s a blog post for another day.

We are all so proud of Josiah and the remarkable progress he’s made.   I’ve been thinking.  If vacations make this much of a positive impact on him, it just might be time to plan our next trip!

14 thoughts on “Hallelujah ~ Praise the Lord!

  1. Kim says:

    Yes!!! PRAISE GOD!!! I am still freaking out over this!!! Way to go, God, Josiah, and the ever-amazing Whisperer!!!!

    I am beyond thrilled for him and y’all!!!


    • embracetheblessing says:

      Freaking out over this is the perfect way to describe it Kim! I told the amazing Whisperer we would have taken him and Josiah on vacation YEARS ago if we had known this was what was needed. Ha! We didn’t even know the Whisperer then. So grateful to God who orchestrates all things in His timing!

      Love you guys!

    • embracetheblessing says:

      Thank you Laurel! Can’t wait to see all that lies ahead for Josiah. So very proud of the progress he has made, thanks to God and his amazing caregivers!!

  2. Jennifer Capps says:

    What a wonderful Praise Report! Praise God…I will be praying for continued miracles along the way. Our God is good.

    • embracetheblessing says:

      Thank you Jennifer. Shouting it out from the rooftops! Never give up hope! Pray without ceasing and believe that God hears your prayers and will act according to His will in His timing, All praise and glory to God for His goodness!

  3. Sheila Wright says:

    This is truly Amazing. God loves our babies more than we do and he answers our prayers in his timing. I have loved Josiah for many years and he’s Never left my prayers. So happy for you guys and really appreciate you sharing your Family with us. ❤❤❤

  4. embracetheblessing says:

    Awe…thank you Sheila! Words spoken from a true Mom Warrior who showers love and grace on everyone she meets. You and your family are in my daily prayers as you seek God’s wisdom and guidance and healing! What a miracle you are walking through right now. So awed and amazed by YOUR story! Praise God for His loving kindness.

  5. Tiffany Novick says:

    Wonderful news! I’ve been following Josiah and his journey. I must say it brought tears of joy to me this morning as I read your update. Cheers to Josiah and Josiah’s whisperer!!!

    • embracetheblessing says:

      Thank you Tiffany! His journey has had many twists and turns for sure. This by far has been one of the BEST parts!!

  6. Bonnie Ward says:

    SUCH amazing news!! So many prayers go up daily for your whole family and amazing Josiah! Thank you for sharing the great news!

    • embracetheblessing says:

      Thank you Bonnie! We are so very grateful for all those prayers! God gets all the glory! Humbled and amazed by His goodness!

  7. Beth Landry says:

    So thrilled for Josiah and you all! Love that Josiah Whisperer! What a miracle from God! Keeping you all in prayer and thanking God for his blessings for you all!

    • Sandy Deppisch says:

      Thank you Beth! We so thankful for your prayers. They are definitely working! It is a HUGE blessing to have jumped this hurdle! God is so good! ❤️

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